Terry Michael Weaver
About the Artist
Terry Weaver is a native San Diegan. He moved to the North County area in high school living just a couple of miles from the oceanfront in Encinitas, California. For the past 22 years, Terry has lived in Hawaii on the Islands of Kauai, Maui, and Oahu. Terry's fondest memories are from this little beach town of Encinitas. Terry drew from his own experiences as a "Local" when he designed the tile mosaics that now line the side walks along the newly renovated area of downtown Encinitas. Terry started the original drawings for the mosaics in September 2001. He relocated to San Diego from Maui for 9 months and placed all his focus in completing these mosaics for the City of Encinitas for their celebration of the renovation of downtown located on the Coast Highway 101.